Updated hats in the catalog.

Hm...Would you look at that? A bunch of hats have gone limited/timed!soal
Notice 4 of them are a shade of pink/purple? Could it be because of Valentines day?adus
But I dunno....Those Grotesque pile of eyeballs doesn't look very ..."Lovely"putuscinte


New faces!

Name: Crazy happy. Price? 45 robux,

Name: Crimson laser vision Price: 1,000 Robux. How many? 200.


Hey, when ever new gear/hats come out...

They will be posted under the New hats/gear sections on the sidebars.

Faces will be posted here cause they barely come out.ketukmeje

Just letting you know


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Featured game: Sword fight tornament!

Yes....I've played this games many times before, and it's always a blast.jelir
All the mini-games and fights are awesome! sengihnampakgigiIf you don't believe me, go play it yourself here.(Or click the picture)

Thank you, TheGamer101, for this amazing game.


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New feature: Advertise groups!

Tired of advertising a place of yours that has a link to your group? Well, now you can advertise your group!celebrate

1st: Select the group(s) you own.

Second, select the "Advertise this group" option.
Then it will take you to the normal upload an ad page.

Heres what cart6517 had to say about this:
"I have to admit, I always have something [a bit] mean to say about the group.
And I'm not the only one!
And now that you can advertise for groups, there are no more group trolls!'

Pretty sweet, eh?tepuktangan


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New emotions!

I can now use emotions on this blog!celebrate
Isn't that awesome? starThis ads more life to this site!star

Stay tuned for more new posts!


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